
A whole new ball game

I first played golf on a 9 hole course on holiday in Ireland with my Mum and Dad. I was 12 years old. having watched Trevino, Jacklin et al on Shell's World of Golf, I was hooked. The rest is boring history but suffice to say that through my job I've probably read more tips on instruction than is healthy, even for a golf nut.

One thing I've learned is that the correct grip is essential. Like stance, posture, the right clubs and a good mental game. Essential. And whichever guru you turn to, books, tired old golf magazines, even my friends at the Golf Magic forum, they all agree on one thing. Overlapping, Vardon, Interlocking, all grips are ok.

Except the baseball grip.

The "baseball" or ten finger grip is uniformly despised by golf's literati. Like Jim Furyk's swing or Angel Cabrera's belly putter, it's not what a proper golfer uses. Although, those two blokes aren't exactly doing it tough...

At the range on Sunday, after a hopeless medal round the day before, I switched back to the baseball grip in sheer desperation. Suddenly it all made sense again. Irons hit crisper, 5 wood nailed into kingdom come and glory of glories...it works for those tricky shots around the green that make grown men weep.

So this week, I've been nipping into the back room every so often and swinging a club with a baseball grip. I'll have a hit at the range on Friday or Saturday and then St Michaels had better look out. Wish me luck...

1 comment:

  1. Ooooh, look out! It is despised but hey, if it's working...
